Who We Support
Offering uninterrupted maternity care from prenatal health up to 12 months post delivery
We partner with health plans, physicians, and women, infants, caregivers, and families throughout the entire maternity journey – including a possible NICU admission. Our unique care management approach measurably improves outcomes and experience, while optimizing the economics of maternal and infant care.
Only ProgenyHealth delivers personalized Maternity Case Management, NICU Utilization and Case Management, and NICU Payment Validation and Assurance – all in one unique, wholly integrated program.

Health Plans
Trust an experienced partner to deliver healthier outcomes and lower the total cost of care
Our integrated, tech-enabled solution builds a network of support with plans, physicians, and families for a highly coordinated continuum of care from prenatal health, through any resultant NICU stay, and up to 12 months post delivery.
Our collaborative approach with clinicians improves outcomes and physician relations
Our specialized team of obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatricians, maternity, neonatal and pediatric nurses, social workers, and lactation consultants works closely with physicians to not only support better patient outcomes, but also create a better clinical experience. Doing so reduces physician abrasion and lowers the total cost of care.

Women, Infants, & Families
We support women and growing families throughout their maternity or NICU journey
We manage all pregnancies, regardless of risk level, via our maternity app, personalized monitoring by case managers, and NICU case management if needed.
We provide up to twelve months of post-delivery support, which is especially valuable for solving complex SDoH issues and addressing behavioral health risks.
Related Resources

Member Journey
Read how Maria engaged ProgenyHealth to manage her high-risk pregnancy.

2024 Trends Report
Explore 5 emerging trends in maternal and infant health and what they mean for the year ahead.

An Unfair Fight
Learn how race & social determinants impact maternal & infant health.
Let ProgenyHealth support you, your members, and your physician network
Discover how we standardize care delivery, improve outcomes, optimize costs, and unify the efforts of health plans, physicians, and families. Schedule a time to talk.